Man do I need a life! This is my 200Th post on my blog, I never thought I would last, and am completely surprised that I did! Oddly enough I have absolutely nothing to blog about!
Something came up! A few days ago Christie told me that I had been randomly selected for a drug test! I maybe, kind of, sort of thought she was joking so I completely forgot about it. So when she asked me if I had done it yet I was unhappy and needless to say, dismayed. Everybody knew I was not happy about it. My mom told me I probably protested too much, and now I surely looked guilty.
I couldn't help it, so disgusting and degrading. Peeing in a cup (Tim called it a whiz quiz, blah!) is definitely not going to make it into the top ten best moments! It was even worse than I had suspected. I got there and had to announce to a whole room full of people that I was there for a drug test. ME! No privacy at all, haven't these people heard of HIPPA laws? So then I had to wait for an hour wishing I hadn't used the facilities earlier that morning, and hoping it wasn't the kind where they come into the bathroom with you, and praying for a female to administer the test. I was trying my upmost to look as though I absolutely did not belong there.
Fortunately, the first thing didn't turn out to be a problem, and I did have a girl who did not accompany me to the restroom (which were completely filthy). Thank goodness! It was pretty disgusting and didn't help that I was mercilessly mocked by my coworkers when I returned to the office!
Yuck. I hate peeing in cups.
I loved the "whiz quiz" comment!
In a few weeks you may see the humor in it, too...
Who is your ex?
oh, just wait till you get pregnant. they have you doing urine tests all the time! it's very annoying.
aaaaaaaaaa a whiz quiz...and i stand by my earlier comment...peeing in a cup is hard
ha ha ha! I never had to do that. Apparently they didn't think i was capable of taking drugs-- that, or printing checks. Lucky me. ;o)
Buck up-you lived through it;)
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