I am going to give away some of the major plot points of the book and I don't really care if you want me to or not. Don't read if you don't want to know.
I'll admit it. I like Twilight. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be caught dead at a launch party dressed like a werewolf or anything. Totally chagrining, but I really did enjoy this series. Notice the past tense did, is there any better way to ruin a book than to throw in a pregnancy?
Oh no, wait... A mutant pregnancy. I have a pretty low tolerance for any suspension of disbelief but for the past three books I made an exception. This one was just too much. Instead of being the lovable, somewhat far fetched fantasy novels I loved they turned into full fledged sci-fi. Something only a prepubescent teen boy reads (Although I acknowledge that it was always for the prepubescent crowd). I'm sorry and vamp-human hybrid was a stupid twist that honestly just made me mad, I think that was the point that I threw the book on the floor and seriously considered not reading it any further.
Jeez. If you thought Bella was annoying as a human, just wait until she becomes a vampire. All of the sudden she one of those girls that turns into a total zombie as soon as they get married and have children, so typical. She is like Katie Holmes with superpowers.
This book even turned me on Edward. Shut up already. We get it, he's tortured. Stop whining. Now not only does he hate himself, but he can add me to the list. He's so moony and brooding that I kind of wish that James had been successful in taking a snap at him in the first book.
Jacob, um, ewwwwww. If vampires smell so bad how can he stand being imprinted on a half vamp. Stupid, stupid, and more stupid.
Also could it be anymore Mormon? I don't know if that's a bad thing, but c'mon. She ends the story after Edward and Bella get hitched and procreate. Yeahhhh, because life ends after marriage and children. Um, lame. Way too tidy.
The only redeeming thing about Breaking Dawn is the knowledge that Midnight Sun is still coming and hopefully make up for the killing of the Twilight series.
i completely agree! i was so mad at this book the entire time i was reading it. i'd be like, oh i hate this book--but i had to finish it due to my obsessive compulsive nature. it sucked. i also hate how bella thinks she is the most amazing thing ever. and how perfect everything worked out.
I agree Whit (haha, "Whit.") It was way too tidy, everything wrapped up perfectly at the end and everyone lived happily ever after. Not only did she replace the cute young romance stuff with nondescript, awkward sex, but then she had to go and some how have Bella become pregnant. i'm sorry, but i'm pretty sure men can't procreate if they've been DEAD for 100+ years. boo. this book was so disappointing.
Still reading, but definitely not my favorite so far...
Finished... and I was disappointed!
I hated the first half for the same reasons that have been stated, and more, but got sucked in to finish it by the big confrontation that never happen. }-:
It seemed like Meyer just wrapped it up quick and tidy to meet a deadline or page limit. The ending couldn't have been more lame even if it all turned out be a bizarre dream. She should have stopped at book three...
I don't know why you continued reading after the first book...? You're obviously FAR too intellectual for this series. Heaven forbid there's a little fantasy/sci-fi and a "happy ending." Yes definetely, writers should just stick to reality and not venture farther than the everyday. And I'm guessing you're not married? If so, probably not happily....but I'm just reading between YOUR lines.
I agree whit! I especially hated the end, where they built up the the climax, and then there just wasn't one. The plot was scattered and pointless.
p.s. i haven't met a single person who actually enjoyed this book.
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