The look we were frequently given.

Stitches, uncomfortable? Yes, of course, but there are worse things. Needles, really not so bad if they are going to help alleviate pain from aforementioned stitches.

My mother and I were not prepared for her tantrum. Oh my gosh, it involved countless tears, flailing and gnashing of teeth. IT WAS SO BAD. Instead of thanking that poor pitiful ER staff we found ourselves apologizing for Amanda's theatrics.

We went through this for an hour and half for just 4 stitches.

This is a shout out to my sister Amanda. Thank you for keeping me wildly entertained even in the ER, and for still looking good after all the mascara stains and crying were long gone.
hahaha!! i don't even know her and she totally made my day. thanks WHIT. ;o)
Those videos were so funny! Amanda's such a cutie.
Simply hilarious. Does Amanda know these are up? I want to know what her reaction was when she finds out...
Amanda could easily be the diva on any soap opera... LOL
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