What is wrong with Utah's movie theatres? Seriously, in a conservative state not one person wants to see Vicky Christina Barcelona (besides myself)? I happen to like Woody Allen movies. I know it's practically blasphemy, me being a Utahan and all, but c'mon the guy has his funny (albeit neurotic) moments.

Also what about Brideshead Revisited. A remake that might actually be worth a revisit, and not one single solitary theatre can make room in it's schedule for maybe one showing a day. How often do we get to see Emma Thompson these days. I'd snatch up any opportunity to Laud her acting.

I feel like I'm living in Footloose. Instead of banning books, it's any movie that might be remotely interesting.
soooo... when you are on your mission can you update blog??? I am anxious to read your updates as you are away.
i wanna see emma thompson! she's amazing.
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