if you were an animal, which would you be...
Elephant, they are so radically bomb. I'm not fond of many, maybe a tiger, the original cool cat.

if you were a city. which would you be...
Blast, this is hard, I'm torn between about 10 different cities. I'll say London, diverse and British, it doesn't get much better.
if you were a flower. which would you be...
The orange blossom, it reminds me of Bermuda and India.

if you were a vegetable. which would you be...
Cauliflower- oh, sooo delicious.
if you were a color. which would you be...
Because black is not a color- I'm going to have to say Navy Blue. Totes (new slang for totally if you didn't know cause you aren't cool like me) in and always a classic.
if you were a fruit. which would you be...
peach- evaporated milk and sugar make it especially bomb diggity.

if you were a season. which would you be...
I think I've established this in other blog entries- Autumn.
if you were a shoe. which would you be...
This is tough- obviously a heel of the stiletto variety. I seem to be fond of anything bright, patent, and BCBG. Of course I also love my N.Y.L.A. white flats...tough call.

if you were a vehicle. which would you be...
Mercedes G Wagon- Amg, of course. You either love it or you hate it. But everyone knows what it can do! Or a Range Rover but they depreciate too quickly.
if you were an appliance. which would you be...
lately I've turned into a complete neat freak, the kind that cleans the kitchen and bathroom daily, so maybe a dishwasher.
if you were a Disney character. which would you be...
Screw Disney, I'd be Anastasia from Twentieth Century Fox, for 2 reasons:
A. Russian Princess
B. Dimitri.
if you were a dessert. which would you be...
I would be a lemon creme from Mrs. Cavanaughs. Delish.
if you were a time of day. which would you be...
I really love twilight-everything just seems suspended, not to mention killer sunsets!
if you were a cereal. which would you be...
I'm a huge fan of frosted flakes, there Grrrreat!

if you were an instrument. which would you be...
Penny whistle- totes awesome. Can you tell that I'm completely hyper whilst writing this. I'm not usually a believer in abbreviating words.
umm, did you just make up that word? "totes?" sorry, but i just don't think it'll catch on.
i'd be a peach too. good choice.
i would definitely not be a peach, but i would be Anastasia! I have never had a lemon creme from but they sound good! I love the car, too. What color would the car be?
I get it... elephant/politics!
Did you notice you mentioned tiger twice: animal and cereal? Is that significant... <-:
i giggled multiple times whilst reading this post...thank you for brightening my day!
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