Sometimes I Have an Absurd Fear of Spiders!
Okay, so Friday night my good friend Jen G. and I had a sleep over (mostly because she was worried about me because Natalie left earlier that day). After our evening of debauchery and decadence,joking- we ate lots of gross food and watched El Orfanato and part of the Bob Dylan movie I'm Not There, we finally decided to go to sleep.
Poor Jen, who has a hard time sleeping anyway, was rudely awakened by me screaming: Jen! Jen! Because I thought we were currently being swarmed by hundreds of foul, filthy spiders. Not only did I probably wake Jen in a manner that I can only assume would arouse feelings of terror, but I then made her get out of bed while I flipped on the lights...I failed to mention that it was 4 in the morning! Sad and remnant of a 6 year old. Apparently I suffer from night terrors at the age of 22! Interestingly enough Night terrors are brought on by copious amounts of stress combined with sleep deprivation! I've suffered from both as of late, hopefully now I can return to normal!
I was going to post a picture of spiders but honestly they were freaking me out!
haha! that is funny! its okay! Jared woke me up last night at 2 in the morning because "Gollum" had attacked him! whoever let him watch lord of the rings is dead to me!
I feel the same way about snakes...
ahh spiders! i make brandon get most of them for me now...and when i say "get" i mean kill.
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