I have to say I'm impressed. Republican presidential candidates almost never come to Utah. Apparently we are a “sure thing”. I suppose in McCain's case it is necessary, he took one vote for every 18 for Mitt Romney in the Utah state primary. I suppose it is insurance so that the Nations most Republican state stays that way! Don't forget to tune in to his speech today; it's at 11:30am. I'm sure there will be highlights on the evening news if you miss it.
McCain gave a speech yesterday in Los Angeles that was actually pretty decent. I basically consider him a democrat so I was pleasantly surprised. He said quote: “Polls increasingly show that populations are losing faith with democracy, and blame it for failing to provide security from crime and corruption or a way out of poverty." Perhaps this lack of faith could be reversed if the US returned to its roots as a Federal Constitutional Republic. Because we have democratic elections the US is often (wrongly) called a Democracy, even by our leaders. There is no truer statement then the old adage: "United we stand, divided we fall."
The United States is completely divided. There is not a common thread among the people. We are divided amongst 3 contenders, each more mediocre than the last. Where is this years Reagan? The truth is not even Republicans are interested in this political war over the Middle East. The unrest is so great, that change is crucial. Although every candidate promises this change, I doubt any of them will bring about a positive one. Although our presence is vital in Iraq, the people here at home need a better reason to be there. This is a political war. However, if we leave now leaving the country on unsteady ground enemies of the US will stake a claim. Our leaders are there to prevent power falling into the wrong hands. It is a preemptive attempt to protect our freedom as well as other Nations less capable of protecting themselves.
i don't know what it is but there is just something that seems evil about him... i don't know what it is, but i just don't like him.
I really don't want have a better reason for staying in Iraq, because I'm afraid that to be convincing that reason would be very similar to 9/11 or worse...
He has a funny shaped head...and you are so smartical!
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