I got a comment from somebody anonymous about remembering that politicians personal lives are private; what a load. These are publicly elected officials that have chosen to live a very exposed sort of lifestyle. It's like celebrities complaining about paparazzi. If you don't want the attention, get out of LA. I don't expect them to be perfect, but jeez, how about a little less sleazy? They are elected by the people for the people. As our elected they are expected to set an example for their constituents. David Paterson sound even shadier than former Gov. Spitzer. Pot, cocaine, affairs- is there anything he hasn't done? New York ought to be horrified that instead of trading in their morally bankrupt Governor for an upgrade, they ended up with yet another wolf in sheep's clothing.
As a person who has never even seen cocaine, why does my government official have too? I'm sure I'll be called naive, but why not ethical? Our officials should be expected to live up to the standard we set.
The Hillary Clinton debacle is equally disheartening, I mean, I always knew she was a liar, but seriously? Trying to make yourself heroic for political gain, how incredibly typical of a Clinton. (Remember all those jobs Bill created during his term in office? I belive he forgot to mention that they we all burger-flipping jobs at Wendy's.) The war in Bosnia was essentially over (we couldn't risk those great first lady pantsuits HC is so fond of) but of course there was still some unrest. Did Hillary have to make a run for it? No, she was greeted by the people and posed for photographs. I didn't hear one solitary gunshot in the background of that video, maybe I just have an untrained ear! Trying to make herself a hero is a great move, just not for her own campaign.
I had a teacher ask once why huge scandals don't shock us anymore; sometimes they don't even make the news. I answered that it's because we've seen it before, we are so desensitized that nothing shocks us. Politicians have been dubious and dishonest for most of America's history and no doubt will continue to be that way. Here's to hoping for a better tomorrow.
PS. I thought I should clarify that I haven't seen pot either! At least not in real life...
thank you whit! here here.
I also hate most reality television for the reason you cited, I think it's a cheap cop-out. But I can't help but love AI...
Also, as per my journalism law class, politicians lives are - by definition - not private. So there anon.
I agree-it would be so refreshing to have a politician who really have integrity-instead of just "spinning."
I am so glad you have been such a good girl!!! As your mom, I have always been grateful that you live your life in harmony with what you believe! You are great!
AMEN!! No go and watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington...
wow, i was about to say the same thing as jessie evans--i'm in a media ethics and law class and we are told that politicians are public figures, therefore their lives are public and anything exposed about them, although it may be damaging, is ok as long as there was no (provable) actual malice in the exposing of it. i'm such a nerd, but i was excited to see that you were writing about politicians lives and all that jazz..... i'm gonna stop now.
p.s. i liked the post. ;o)
AMEN! i am a newly registered voter, and i am sick- i repeat SICK and tired of trying to figure out who to vote for! no one follows my same standards,or represents what i believe in (very strongly). they all seem to be corrupted with self interest... which is so sad. and i ask you WHY?! these times are not as bad as back in the day during the civil war and there were arms and legs piled fence high, yet our leaders were great men who founded this very country- and now look who we have running for office.... it is just a sad thing to see.
* sorry if i am not making any since, i was just using your page to vent- because if i wrote anything political on my blog people would just laugh.
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