So quintessentially me! Bright white with a pop of red, gorgeous bookshelves (I have so many books I have two boxes full in the trunk of my car I just couldn't fit in my tiny apartment), and the great minimalist, clean feeling! I love the giant mirror (bet that was fun to hang!), and the plain lighting. Very chic! Found on Black Eiffel.
i love it. i can't wait to have my own place (and more money) to do this kind of stuff. i despise the clutter and drabbness of provo student apartments. boo.
Being a short person, I really like the ladder to get to the books on the top shelves!
That orange chair reminds me of my early childhood... LOL
Jason and I have so many books that they overflow our two giant bookshelves. We both came into this marriage knowing we'd someday have to have a library to house our happy habits.
love this room, definitely contemporary, but i don't know if i'd call it minimalist.
whit, i hope you are having fun, but i miss you!
I miss you.....
whit! are you home?!
Blog, blog, blog....I want to see trip pictures!!!!!!!
Um update your blog :)
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