I know it´s blurry, but this is probably the most important picture I have. I snapped the picture just as he came out of the water and he was praying. I can´t even tell you how great Javier is.

Seriously, one of my best days ever!

My companion, Hermana Ovalle, and I. Yeah, I know you love it.
Ecuafact- They eat potatoe chips with ketchup and mayonaise. It´s pretty decent.
The mission is AWESOME! Probably my best week ever...at least in the mission. Mostly because Javier Jojoa was baptized. All of the baptisms that I have been a part of have been special, but never like this one. I´ve never had a convert who is so converted. We usually have newly baptized members share their testimony after. Javier thanked us first, then Kenny and Johana. He started crying, he just kept saying: "I don´t know what to say." Then he would put his hand over his heart. I really can´t explain it. He´s amazing! Too bad he will be moving to Guayaquil in just a month. I´m so lucky I got to know him and be a small part of his conversion.
Johana Pineda was also baptized this week with Javier. We owe a lot to her husband, Kenny, who helped us get her prepared and ready for baptism. She´s also moving this next week to Guayaquil. Can´t really blame her though, she and Javier have a great opportunity to open their own practice there. They are both specialists, he operates on the skull and Johana operates on knee´s, ankle´s, and hips. It´s sad to see them go, but at least we know them, right? She was so great, especially because she had to be baptized 4 times in freezing cold water. Her dress kept inflating...poor thing.
Javier will be recieving the Priesthood next week and also will be blessing the Sacrament next week as well for the very first time. So I´ve decided the law of Sacrifice really does pay off in the long run.
We are also ready for Marisela Solís and Doménica Garcia to be baptized next week. Hopefully the water heater will be ready and fixed by next week. The water really is so cold here, sometimes it surprised me that people actually go in!
Since we are losing so many investigators to the waters of baptism we will be furiously searching some new people to teach this week! Keep us in your prayers!
Sister Tanner
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