Is it just me or is David Archuleta a squinty-eyed version Clay Aiken? As if the world needs another, one is plenty creepy. YUCK! Is anybody else completely thrilled that Cook killed Archuleta? For weeks and weeks I've heard nothing but Archuleta this and Archuleta that. It made me started rooting for the other kid, and I don't even watch the ridiculous show! Thank goodness it's all over! I couldn't stand another kvetching crooner.
(Clay Aiken was runner-up wasn’t he? Oh, blast. I am going to have to listen to him again.)
I'm so glad Archuleta lost!! American Idol should die!
No way! I am a David Archuleta fan! You should be shot......
I love David Archuleta. Can we still be friends?
I was impressed with the talent of both singers! I liked how David Archuleta improvised so effortlessly, and David Cook was so versitile. Both are winners in my eyes.
I love the opportunities American Idol gives to unknown singers, but the three judges and their comments are getting really old...
Amazing how similar those two second place guys are...
Hi Whitney! This is Lindsay (Burr) Clyde. How are you? I came across your blog on carly reds blog. I love your blog!!! It is interesting and I love your insight on movies. It is good to know before I watch them :). And also, sorry but I am a David Archuleta fan as well (sorry). also, you look beautiful in that picture at the bottom of your page!!! Hope you are good!
Just cause he isn't attractive doesn't mean he can't sing! They are both good! I kinda wanted both to win, but I knew Cook would. I don't really care how it ended!
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