Too hot! It's only May and I feel like I'm baking every time I step outdoors! I'm totally looking forward to July. As kids we would all lounge around the stairs under the swamp cooler (pre-air conditioning days) and start our search for the most awesome sprinkler head to run through! I can never decide which season is the worst: Winter or Summer. I probably just hate the extremes (my position on politics as well). Why are the two seasons that suck the most the longest?
Granted there is a lot more you can do in the summer: lake trips, tennis, camping, and barbecuing. And maybe it's just me but it seems like louder music- I'm a fan. In Summer it's like planning committees went nuts! There is always something to play, see, or do. Come to think of it, summer pretty much rocks! I can get over burning my hands on my steering wheel.
In the winter all activities pertain to snow or ice. Personally, I dislike anything that makes me drive like an idiot, and does anybody really like being cold & wet? I think that is why so many holidays are packed into the winter months, it's that horrible(Once, I was clearing the snow off my car and slipped under it. Yes, I have nothing but the fondest memories of snow... ). Christmas makes the winter only slightly more bearable.
Yep, looks like winter is worse.
i think i prefer summer to winter as well, though we'll see how i feel about it after this summer. :S
except winter clothes are so much cuter!! Boots, scarfs, coats...
I will have to agree with you on winter. It is also much harder to get warm when you are cold than to cool off in the summer when you can just jump into a pool. Love the post
I feel weird when my comments cant post on your blog because it ways that I am an "annonymous" person hahahahaha
Hey Whitney, I didn't know you played tennis. Can we play sometime?
Haha! Sorry Lindsay! I just like to know when I get them. I miss them occasionally! Kelsey we should definitely play- I'm pretty terrible though!
You're so funny Whitney... I'm with you on the whole winter thing! But summer? love the heat!!! Love your short hair by the way! I drove by you and your mom walking when I was in Utah and didn't think it was you otherwise I would have stopped and said hi!
I love all of the seasons, but winter and summer always drag on longer than necessary. No one ever says spring or fall are too long!
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