Don´t be mad Mom, but I chopped my hair again. I just like it short. It only cost me 5 bucks too, definitely my cheapest, fastest hair cut ever. I totally love it too. Nobody give me a hard time. I´m just a short hair gal, I think it gives me an edge.
Not a great picture I know, but all I´ve got right now.
I think your hair is adorable! It fits you. Anyways, we are all doing well. Jason is just working a ton, and Kamryn is a CRAZY 1 1/2 year old. She's seriously a wild woman. Anyways, I am so glad that you can still blog from Ecuador! I love reading your posts...they totally make me laugh. You look so happy, and seem to be a successful missionary already...keep it up!
You are definitely one of the few who can do the really short hair and still look beautiful...
And now maybe the guys will ease up a bit with the inappropritate passes at a lady missionary... LOL
i posted a good "Christmas-y" story on my blog that you'll probably like...you little missionary, you!
Sort of ruins your Christmas present.
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