Monday, October 12, 2009

Week 44

Ecua-fact: Today when I mopped, I totally used diesel to kill the flea´s. I think I may be losing brain cells week to week, but that´s how it´s done here.

What a week! It was great but not without problems. My ward is still the cause of a little personal distress. Not a Sunday goes by without my companion breaking down in tears. She´s a bit prone to that. Those of you who know me would think that I would be prone to that but I cry surprisingly little in the mission.

We are currently teaching Guadalupe Eraso and Natalie Jojoa, family of Javier Jojoa. We seem to have broken a barrier with Guadalupe but she is still such a challenge. Natalia is really progressing, she does all the homework we assign her and is always ready with her Book of Mormon when we come. She even asked us to explain the Law of Chastity to her tonight, that NEVER happens. Probably because her brother is always saying "No puedo ser más casto." or
"I can´t be more chaste." It´s a bit more funny in Spanish. They are always so much fun. Javier´s nieces are also visiting and Camila says she wants to go back to Colombia "Mormona". It´s pretty awesome.

We also have a really great reference from Octavio Borja in Riobamba. We just met them yesterday, but really so great, Javier Borja and his wife Monica. Javier is Octavio´s brother and they really are ready for the gospel. They live really far out but it´s already worth the trip. Javier even paid for our Taxi back to Centro (the buses don´t go out that far). We are really excited because they have so much interest and are full of questions.

Monica Freire, Silvia Freire, and Myra Navarett are also really progressing. They came to church this week and Silvia even brought her husband, Pablo, with her. I have so much admiration for them and their courage. They are all such modern pioneers! The first 3 all have baptismal dates for the 24 of October! We are working hard to get them prepared.

We have also made some great contacts this week and are looking forward to teaching them this coming week!

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Con todo mi amor,


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