Looks like we will only be having six baptisms this week, but that is still pretty exciting!
I´m loving my new companion, Hermana Castillo, she works hard and she works fast! I´m really grateful that I get the chance to learn from her. She really loves our investigators, and takes sincere interest in every one of them. She´s basically the best missionary in the Mission. She gives a talk every zone conference, and President Sloan has a lot of faith in her. I really have learned so much from her in the short time we have been together! I´m really lucky. She´s from Guatemala and also has a brother in the Mission. He´s in Ecuador also but in the Guayaquil mission!
The Family Borja (Voar-ha) is still doing great! I can´t believe how lucky I am to be a part of their lives. Sounds cheesy I know but I really, really am so lucky. They are great! Octavio has quite smoking and drinking. We gave him a carton of candy cigarrillos this week and everytime he wants to smoke he has to read a scripture! We had a fast with him last week and he said he can really feel the difference, he said he knows he has had help quitting! His family is also doing great. Nicol his 8 year old daughter asked me to baptize her! I was flattered of course, but explained that only Priesthood holders could baptize. She´s a doll though, I can hardly wait until Saturday!
Walter is also scheduled for this Saturday but he didn´t show up to his baptismal interview so I´m not 100% that his baptism is going to happen. Cristian Calderón also came to church this Sunday, I´m still holding out hope that his dad will give him permission to be baptized!
Sorry I´m short again, but I never seem to have much time to write!
Love you all,
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