For those of you who didn´t here I was yet again transferred! I´m the one transfer missionary! It was a really strange Change, I am still with Hermana Mérida from Latacunga but we are one hour south opening the Recreo sector of Ambato. Opening is hard work but we have a really great ward and they help us out a lot. It´s been fairly easy to find our investigators, including the one who lives at the top of the mountain. Literally, mountain. The pictures of my sector were taken from his house... Crazy.
We should have a baptism this weekend though. Hno. José Vasquez. He just needs to get married this Wednesday. I don´t know why nobody here is married. I know that a lot of the people of the world don´t get married anymore, but not all of them.
My new sector is absolutely huge, we not only have a massive chunk of Ambato but quite a few cities outside. El Pisque, Cuchibamba, ect. We spend a lot of time in buses and walking. With all the rice though the walking is a good thing.
It´s nice to be in a ward that is so helpful and gives us references, it´s a really big difference from Latacunga. Although I still miss my investigators there. The good news is that Maria Llango (pictured below) will be getting married this week so she will also be able to be baptized. As aforementioned, my companion and I already have permission to go back for her baptism. She is probably one of my favorite investigators, I don´t think I´ve ever met anybody so kind in all of Ecuador. She is really thoughful and attends church every week even though we aren´t there to make sure she does.
And now...the bad news. I fell, yet again, it´s not as serious this time but still included a trip to the E.R. in a third world country. I´m unable to work for 8 days, which is not good, we are super busy and our sector is huge and full of mountains! They should really work on the roads here. Don´t worry about me though, I´ll be fine in no time!
Your favorite Missionary,
Hna. Whitney Tanner

Waterfall count: 4 Pialon del Diablo
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