Hey Everybody-
Ecuafact: No legal drinking age. They usually get started at about 15.
Ana Moscoso was baptized on Saturday! This baptism was really special to me! Satan really tried hard with Ana. She has had to face a lot of opposition! My companion and I were so happy for her and didn´t even mind watching her 3 children (HA!) during her Baptism. I was covered in cookie crumbs and gum by the end but it was worth it. That is probably why I look a bit haggard in the photos. Omar is 4, Fernando is 3, and the baby is just over 1! Talk about a handful. Her husband Patricio wasn´t able to come because he had to work, and they need the money! So now my companion and I just have to work on him!
We are teaching a new family, they seem really interested. Paco and Estefania are twins (15). Their mother is really worried about them because he´s started drinking and she´s started smoking. They are really receptive and have both committed to quit. They came to church to, we usually have to struggle with that one a whole lot! I know they can do it- the gospel is true and really does change lives! I can definitely see it!
We´ve had an interesting week! The Elections were this Sunday and voting is mandatory here ages 16 and up. Church was shortened to one hour and we weren´t allowed to go anywhere but church. So p-day started a bit early. Rafael Correa won, of course, some of the missionaries are worried that he´ll kick us Gringos out, but I doubt it. At least not in the near future, I think I´m safe. Correa isn´t big on the States! His father was a drug lord and died in a US. prison.
We also have Zone Conference this week so we haven´t been working much and feel really decadent! Back to work on Thursday!
Happy Birthday to my dear sister Amanda! I love you gags! I miss you sassy!
Also to Brittany A.-Happy 24, hope your little family is doing well!
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