Hey Everybody-
As you can tell Sorensen and I had a pretty great week! Jonathan was baptized this Saturday. Not much of his family came (which is odd because they are all members), but the entire ward showed up. It was great and I, of course, cried! We were finally able to get an interview for Monica and she was baptized on Sunday. It was a great moment, especially because Edgar and Irene (her 2 children) were baptized last November, now the whole family are members. It was seriously a miracle, we hadn´t seen Monica in so long because of my ankle. Then one day we bumped into her getting off a bus. We decided that it was time for her to get baptized, because she was definitely ready. As you can see, it worked out!
Changes (transfers) are tonight and I know I will be leaving for Ibarra (about 45 miles Northeast of Quito) with my new companion Hermana Escobar. From what I can tell it is beautiful! It´s her last change in the mission and then she goes home. I guess this is when I start really learning Spanish! Apparently I need less hills for my ankle to fully recooperate! I don´t want to come home early! Sadly I´ll be leaving my companion and trainer, Sister Sorensen! I´m slightly terrified but also excited to go on to other things! Weird how transitory life on the mission is! Wish me luck!
Congratulations to my brother Matthew! He recieved his mission call to Portland, Oregon this week! He´s going to be the best Missionary!
Hi Whitney-Sorry I missed telling you Happy Birthday!! I hope it was a good one. It is probably one you will never forget! I got to go to lunch with your mom and Jayne and Aly for Aly's, mine and Jayne's Birthdays. It was so fun, but would have been really fun to have you there as well. I am sure that you were there in spirit! You look so good and happy in these pictures. It makes me wish that I had gone on a mission when I was young, and that my girls had that opportunity! I do plan on serving a mission someday. I would love to do a humanitarian mission and a proselyting mission to. It would be very hard to leave kids and grandchildren though. Ella is just so darn cute. She laughs now and is really developing a personality!
Take care and keep up the good work. We love you and pray for you!!
How rewarding it is to see some of the fruits of your labors! I am so happy that you were able to see that before you were transferred!
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