This is yet another retort to another silly anonymous comment left about my political affiliations. Sorry this one got my back up and is therefore rather wordy.
...If McCain is in fact inaugurated, he will be the oldest President in History, at 72 years old. If he dies, would you want her to be the next President?
She was the mayor of Alaska for 1.5 years. I just find it amusing that McCain chose someone as inexperienced as her for her VP, when he is slamming Obama for having no experience.
Also, something I find strange is that a woman of 5 children could possibly be the next VP of the United States. I am not saying that women should not have careers and all stay home with their children, but I really hope her husband stays home with them or something... but I think that is just my maternal instinct speaking...
Also, she is not concerned about the environment at all. Okay--Global Warming is this huge controversy, and who knows if there is really such thing? God, i guess. And he's going to burn the world in the end--so what is the use in worrying about the Earth? I find it SO difficult to believe that people don't care about the planet we live on. You gather up clutter and say, "i'll just throw it out", well what people don't realize is that there is no "out". We can't just launch it out of the solar system in hopes that it will never find its way back to us. Someone told me a few weeks ago that some of the garbage they are putting in the ocean is making it's way up to beaches and there are children swimming and playing in it, and swallowing it! I would have a hard time ever voting for her, if she is McCain's VP, if she doesn't care about things like this.
And about the oil, sure McCain's plan sounds lovely, but if we keep finding these short term solutions, nothing will ever get better. It is going to take a long time to get the whole oil problem worked out, and our impatience isn't helping.
OBAMA 08!!!!!
Women should not be allowed to hold a high government office because they have children? It is sad to think that some consider a highly qualified, educated, and driven woman with genuine concern for her children’s future should be limited to a self-proclaimed “hockey mom’s”* existence. It’s preposterous, that her skill could be so disregarded simply for procreating. A woman of this caliber should not only be shuttling her children to various after school activities but valiantly lobbying for a better future in such dangerous and uncertain times. Instead of merely complaining about what is wrong or unfair Sarah Palin chose to fight.
Sarah Palin is tough as nails and fights her own battles. Starting with her local PTA, she rose to a City Council position, then on to defeat the incumbent (John Stein) become the Mayor of Wasilla, and eventually filed a formal complaint 2 members of her own party for their “lack of ethics”, they resigned. She ran for Governor of Alaska in 2006 successfully with a clean-government platform. How many of Mothers of 5 do you know who care enough about their communities, friends, and family to take matters into their own hands? Her committment to motherhood is probably best shown by her choice to keep her youngest son (Trig) affected by Downs Syndrome. I’m sure her children will be looked after and no doubt, better than most. Her appetence to change the world into a better place for you and me as well as her children is laudable.
It is ridiculous to think that McCain will drop dead mid-office, he has excellent health. As an Obama supporter you ought to know the difference in the experience of which you speak. Yes, she is relatively inexperienced when compared to Biden or McCain. However, her experience (1.5 years) as Alaska’s Governor is superior to Obama’s 2 years as a junior Illinois Senator. With no EXECUTIVE background how can we as a country possibly hand him the most important office in our esteemed nation? Palin was supreme leader, to quote someone more sage than myself: “what she said happened, whereas Obama was laughed at”. I’m not disputing your claim that she is less experienced than we would prefer, nonetheless she is not our tickets frontrunner.
As for environmental policy, let me enlighten you or at least shed some perspective. We cannot expect change overnight (nor can most afford to), although the Democrats always want a change now. Republicans seek a more gradual change, more conducive to reality; radical changes would send our nation into chaos. Short term fixes are necessary to implement a lasting change. Drilling is a means to an end. I find it poor logic to say that because she isn’t an alarmist like most Democrats she is not concerned about the environment. Global warming is serious, but rather than alarming the public in order to win votes about a cataclysmal event that may or may not occur, they agree that something needs to change. How can our nation expect this to occur if we continue to send our money to hostile nations? Venezuela, Russia, and many Middle Eastern countries are burgeoning because of our dependency on finite resources. All of which display defiant and brutal traits not worthy of our most base consumerism. So I ask you: Why not drill ANWR?* Just a few statistics on this project the liberals oppose. There are 586,412 that make up Alaska (it is twice the size of Texas) and there are 640 acres per square mile; meaning that Alaska is composed of over 375 billion acres (375,303,680 acres) ANWR would mean less than 2,000 acres would even be affected. That means that .000533 of that 375 billion would be affected, roughly equivalent to a dime on the floor in the Olympic stadium in Beijing. It is no comparison to the benefits. They far outweigh the negative aspects. Besides more crude oil production, it would increase jobs, and decrease our nation’s dependency on malevolent countries, you can read further here.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Genius. Pure Genius.
I've never been a huge McCain fan, but wow, this is the smartest move I have ever seen.
Sarah Palin rocks:
She can be tough as nails- she really rose from being a self proclaimed "hockey mom" to Governor. Her nickname is "Sarah Barracuda".
She's young, which doesn't matter by itself, but everybody is concerned with how old McCain is.
She has a son in the Army.
Her youngest is a Down Syndrome child which of course hits close to home for me!
She is a woman, which will certainly help McCain with the female vote, which in the past has tended to vote democratic.
Wow, I'm so excited. I'm sure I'll say something more about her in later posts.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Um, Really? Something Needs a Change.
Is anyone else worried that Presidential candidate Barack Obama stole his campaign slogan from a Disney channel movie, wait- not even a real Disney movie, the made for TV variety?
Yes, that is our favorite Ugly Betty, America Ferrera herself. Notice the catchphrase at the top of the poster. At least Barack translated it to English, although the Spanish may have helped him with the Latino vote though...not that he needs it.
Personally, I feel that any movie about a middle school dance team probably does not offer the best material for campaign speeches. I guess we know why Obama picked Biden now, he does know how to cover up a plagiarism scandal.
Obama, you've Gotta Kick it Up!
If I had to steal a campaign slogan from a movie:
"This country deserves a better class of criminal (cough) Politician." The Dark Knight
"You can do it!" Waterboy
"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take Bush anymore!" Network
"Congress, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Casablanca
"As God is my witness, Nobody anywhere will ever be hungry again." Gone with the Wind
"Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!" Auntie Mame
What he'll say when everybody finds out he's simply Nancy Pelosi's political puppet:
"Well, nobody's perfect." Some Like It Hot
"There's no crying in The White House!" A League of Their Own
"I felt the need- the need for change." Top Gun
"You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am." On the Waterfront
"La-dee-da, la-dee-da." Annie Hall
Monday, August 25, 2008
Just for Fun
Memory Game
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, repost these instructions on you blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. it's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and i'll come to you blog and leave one about you. if you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Stole this from Ashleigh's blog.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, repost these instructions on you blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. it's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and i'll come to you blog and leave one about you. if you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Stole this from Ashleigh's blog.
What is wrong with Utah's movie theatres? Seriously, in a conservative state not one person wants to see Vicky Christina Barcelona (besides myself)? I happen to like Woody Allen movies. I know it's practically blasphemy, me being a Utahan and all, but c'mon the guy has his funny (albeit neurotic) moments.
Also what about Brideshead Revisited. A remake that might actually be worth a revisit, and not one single solitary theatre can make room in it's schedule for maybe one showing a day. How often do we get to see Emma Thompson these days. I'd snatch up any opportunity to Laud her acting.
I feel like I'm living in Footloose. Instead of banning books, it's any movie that might be remotely interesting.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Encounter With a Dramanda
You know what is great about the name Amanda? You can really combine it with other words like Diva, Demand, and Drama. All of which are fitting when describing my 13 year old sister...
The look we were frequently given.
Stitches, uncomfortable? Yes, of course, but there are worse things. Needles, really not so bad if they are going to help alleviate pain from aforementioned stitches.
My mother and I were not prepared for her tantrum. Oh my gosh, it involved countless tears, flailing and gnashing of teeth. IT WAS SO BAD. Instead of thanking that poor pitiful ER staff we found ourselves apologizing for Amanda's theatrics.
We went through this for an hour and half for just 4 stitches.
This is a shout out to my sister Amanda. Thank you for keeping me wildly entertained even in the ER, and for still looking good after all the mascara stains and crying were long gone.
The look we were frequently given.
Stitches, uncomfortable? Yes, of course, but there are worse things. Needles, really not so bad if they are going to help alleviate pain from aforementioned stitches.
My mother and I were not prepared for her tantrum. Oh my gosh, it involved countless tears, flailing and gnashing of teeth. IT WAS SO BAD. Instead of thanking that poor pitiful ER staff we found ourselves apologizing for Amanda's theatrics.
We went through this for an hour and half for just 4 stitches.
This is a shout out to my sister Amanda. Thank you for keeping me wildly entertained even in the ER, and for still looking good after all the mascara stains and crying were long gone.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Amanda at the emergency room, for FOUR stitches. I'll post some really great pictures later!
So Happy.
I think my favorite thing about blogging, are anonymous comments. If you think I'm being sarcastic, I'm not. I LOVE THEM. Especially the scathing ones, they really make my day. Somebody reads me and cares enough to comment. I consider your comments my letters to the editor, so let me respond:
"I don't know why you continued reading after the first book...? You're obviously FAR too intellectual for this series. Heaven forbid there's a little fantasy/sci-fi and a "happy ending." Yes definetely, writers should just stick to reality and not venture farther than the everyday. And I'm guessing you're not married? If so, probably not happily....but I'm just reading between YOUR lines."
1. You're right. I am way to intellectual for these books.
2. I like some sci-fi. So long as it is enjoyable. I believe I've mentioned sci-fi before on my page.
3. Not married, and your right I probably would be unhappily if I were!
Seriously, best comment ever. I love it.
PS. You spelled Definitely wrong.
Monday, August 11, 2008
My Favorite:
Archery by Yves Saint Laurent
Fencing by Alexander McQueen
In honor of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, 12 fashion designers each designed a uniform for their favorite sport. Their creations will be on display in Beijing through the end of the month and then the uniforms will be auctioned off to benefit Unicef’s relief funds for the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. See more here or here.
Archery by Yves Saint Laurent
Fencing by Alexander McQueen
In honor of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, 12 fashion designers each designed a uniform for their favorite sport. Their creations will be on display in Beijing through the end of the month and then the uniforms will be auctioned off to benefit Unicef’s relief funds for the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. See more here or here.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Can't Decide?
If you can't decide who you are going to vote for, maybe you should check out some of Obama and McCain's pop culture picks on They dish on music, movies, and their favorite superhero's. Totes rad. (I started saying totes ironically, and now it's taken place in my permanent vocabulary. I apologize sincerely.
From his answers I'd say McCain takes it. Although Usher? Really?
I found it completely amusing.
Hate It!
I am going to give away some of the major plot points of the book and I don't really care if you want me to or not. Don't read if you don't want to know.
I'll admit it. I like Twilight. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be caught dead at a launch party dressed like a werewolf or anything. Totally chagrining, but I really did enjoy this series. Notice the past tense did, is there any better way to ruin a book than to throw in a pregnancy?
Oh no, wait... A mutant pregnancy. I have a pretty low tolerance for any suspension of disbelief but for the past three books I made an exception. This one was just too much. Instead of being the lovable, somewhat far fetched fantasy novels I loved they turned into full fledged sci-fi. Something only a prepubescent teen boy reads (Although I acknowledge that it was always for the prepubescent crowd). I'm sorry and vamp-human hybrid was a stupid twist that honestly just made me mad, I think that was the point that I threw the book on the floor and seriously considered not reading it any further.
Jeez. If you thought Bella was annoying as a human, just wait until she becomes a vampire. All of the sudden she one of those girls that turns into a total zombie as soon as they get married and have children, so typical. She is like Katie Holmes with superpowers.
This book even turned me on Edward. Shut up already. We get it, he's tortured. Stop whining. Now not only does he hate himself, but he can add me to the list. He's so moony and brooding that I kind of wish that James had been successful in taking a snap at him in the first book.
Jacob, um, ewwwwww. If vampires smell so bad how can he stand being imprinted on a half vamp. Stupid, stupid, and more stupid.
Also could it be anymore Mormon? I don't know if that's a bad thing, but c'mon. She ends the story after Edward and Bella get hitched and procreate. Yeahhhh, because life ends after marriage and children. Um, lame. Way too tidy.
The only redeeming thing about Breaking Dawn is the knowledge that Midnight Sun is still coming and hopefully make up for the killing of the Twilight series.
I'm a little obsessed with...
So this is a lame post and I know that Tim is going to give me flak about it, but hey, a post is a post.
The most beautiful cupcakes in the world. Unfortunately Dear Lizzie is up in Highland, but alas it's the closest place to Provo I can buy cupcakes, because try as I might mine are never as pretty...
Dear Lizzie has lots more to offer than cupcakes though it's also a boutique and full bistro, and everything is good. Although let's be honest, incredibly overpriced. Part of me is a little disgusted with myself for loving a place that is so pretentious, but I am.
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